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Emerald in the trap varieties: characteristics and curiosities

The trap emerald is one of the most evocative and rare stones that exist. The gemmological variety to which it belongs, as well as its shade are absolutely famous; less known is instead that unique design that presents itself within the gem able to make it truly unique and exclusive so that many people have never heard of it. We present to all a real niche gem in this article.

Always treated as emerald: physical and genesis characteristics

The drill emerald is a variety of natural berillo with a terrific pattern; it is a very rare and sought-after gemmological formation as it is very difficult to find especially in full quality gem, which is why in the market of precious stones it is very sought after.

The crystals develop in pockets of hydrothermal origin usually associated with kick, quartz and pyrites inside thickly layered rocks of metamorphic origin called carbon schists.

In the morphological process, the trap emerald gems, continue to grow bringing with it inclusions of carbon dendrites that go to draw you are perfect straight lines; in the most exceptional cases, these lines start from the corners of a hexagon placed in the center. The disposition of the six rays follows the precise crystalline symmetry of the beryl which is precisely hexagonal. These carbon inclusions are of organic origin and have been found to derive from ancient sedimentary rocks rich in certain animal and plant substances that over time have suffered a metamorphosis.

pietra naturale di smeraldo trapiche

The gemological characteristics of the trap emeralds are exactly the same as the emeralds, so they also stand out to have hardness between 7,5 and 8 on the Mohs scale, average refraction indices between 1,577 and 1,583 and fishor specific average of 2,72.

Curiosity and origin of the trap emerald stone

The trap emerald is only found in the Eastern Cordillera in Colombia, known as the homeland of the emeralds of excellence.

The adjective traps is a term of spanish origin coined by miners who first discovered the gem and translates into italian with wheel wheel or mill mill precisely because of the similarity between the figure drawn from the inclusions with these objects of common use.

However, the structure of the trap emerald must not be confused with the phenomenon of asterism; the latter is in fact an optical effect that sees the formation of a star when certain gems rich in inclusions are struck with a beam of light. The main difference immediately visible is that the star in question always follows the movements of light contrary to the design of the trap emerald which is fixed instead.

Emerald price and value of rare traps

The price and the value of the trap emerald are strongly influenced by purity purity or gem quality together with the perfection of the design that carbon inclusions create.

The rarity it is another important element in defining the price of natural gems. The ratio between rarity and price is in fact directly proportional: the more a gem is rare, the greater the price that can be imposed.

Even the size can play a decisive role, as well as the integrity of the specimens. The right balance between these elements leads to the definition of the price of the trap emerald.

Emerald color: green also for the trapiche variety

The color of this very rare gem is the same as the emerald and therefore has a color that passes through various shades of green more or less intense.

The color of carbon inclusions is very dark almost tending to black. The contrast between these two colours makes the emerald even more suitable for collectors.

Tragic emerald: rare precious stone collection

On the occasion of one of our trips and thanks to the multiannual bonds of trust that we can boast against many owners of cutters spread a little around the world, we managed to get hold of a small but significant collection of trap emeralds. With great pride we present to our audience this rare precious stone also in our online catalog.

In category collection gems you can see beautiful specimens of drill emerald in all their beauty. They were not intentionally mounted in jewels just to give full freedom to anyone about their use; in fact, it is a very rare gem many try to expand their personal collection, others to create something exclusive.

For all lovers of natural berillo we suggest not to miss the rich collection of jewelry in emerald and natural emerald stones from collection together with incredible emerald wires.

Drill emerald, here is the most suitable cut

The exclusive cut for these stones is the cabochon that shows the contrast between the emerald green and the black of carbon inclusions, clearly highlighting the design.

Sometimes some very experienced craftsmen literally cut out raw stones in forms of stars even if you generally appreciate more the gem in all its integrity.

smeraldo trapiche dettaglio

Cleaning and care of emerald stone

Although the trap emerald is considered almost by everyone as a collector's gem, it also requires the right dose of attention. In the common imaginary, the collectible stones, should be preserved with great care within the boards or enclosures but it is not always so.

However, from time to time, it is advisable to perform a cleaning delicate of the trap emerald having care to gently pass a soft cloth on the surface of the gem, better yet if moistened with warm water. Repeat this step if necessary and let the gem dry in the open air. Be careful not to use any kind of cleaner that may contain corrosive chemicals.

To conclude, the trap emerald is an exclusive variety of very rare and sought-after berries around the world that turns out to be an interesting choice to expand its collection or to make an unparalleled gift.